Elisa Bosse (*2001 in Bergen, Norwegen) studiert derzeit Freie Kunst/Malerei an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. In ihren zumeist abstrakten Malereien bringt sie innere Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse in ein visuelles Format. Die Inspiration für ihre Arbeit sammelt sie in einer Kombination zwischen inneren Wahrnehmungen, Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen im Leben. Auf Reisen kann sie die Welt mit ihrer Natur, Kulturen, Menschen und sich selbst auf neue Weise beobachten und verstehen. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Themen wie Menschsein sowie Zwischenmenschliches und die Wahrnehmung von dem, was um uns ist und dem, was es ausstrahlt.
Elisa Bosse (b. 2001 in Bergen, Norway) is currently studying fine arts/painting at the weißensee school of art in Berlin. In her mostly abstract expressionist paintings, she focuses on bringing inner experiences to a visual format. She gathers the inspiration for her work while living and experiencing life. When travelling she can observe and understand the world, with its nature, cultures, people and herself in new ways. She focuses on the topics of being human, interpersonal experiences and the perception of what is around us and what it emits.
︎︎︎ @bosse_elisa
Elisa Bosse (b. 2001 in Bergen, Norway) is currently studying fine arts/painting at the weißensee school of art in Berlin. In her mostly abstract expressionist paintings, she focuses on bringing inner experiences to a visual format. She gathers the inspiration for her work while living and experiencing life. When travelling she can observe and understand the world, with its nature, cultures, people and herself in new ways. She focuses on the topics of being human, interpersonal experiences and the perception of what is around us and what it emits.
︎︎︎ @bosse_elisa