Die schönsten Verräter der Welt sind diejenigen, die ihre Angst
verraten und sich gegen sie aufgelehnt haben, eine Angst, die ihnen
falschen inneren Frieden gibt.
-Imad Alfil
Imad Alfil (*1990 in Syrien) lebt seit 2015 in Deutschland. Derzeit studiert er Malerei im Fach Freie Kunst an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. In seiner Arbeit erforscht er Emotionalität und die Intuition als Zugang zum menschlichen Wesen in all ihrer Komplexität und Dualität. Manchmal entstehen nach Naturbeobachtung von Gegenständen Bilder als Versuch, die Welt mit neutralem Blick zu beobachten und die Weisheit hinter jeder Bewegung, jedem Agieren und Reagieren zu erkennen. Je mehr ein Mensch verstehen kann, was draußen in der Natur geschieht, desto tiefer wird er sich selbst, die Gesellschaft und die Menschen um ihn herum verstehen.
Imad Alfil (b. 1990 in Syria) has lived in Germany since 2015. He is currently studying painting in the Fine Arts at the weißensee school of art in Berlin. In his work he explores emotionality and intuition as an approach to the human being in all its complexity and duality. Sometimes he creates images after observing objects in nature as an attempt to look at the world with a neutral eye and see the wisdom behind every movement, action and reaction. The more a person can understand what is happening outside in nature, the deeper he/she will understand himself, society and the people around him.
︎︎︎ @emadlfil
Imad Alfil (b. 1990 in Syria) has lived in Germany since 2015. He is currently studying painting in the Fine Arts at the weißensee school of art in Berlin. In his work he explores emotionality and intuition as an approach to the human being in all its complexity and duality. Sometimes he creates images after observing objects in nature as an attempt to look at the world with a neutral eye and see the wisdom behind every movement, action and reaction. The more a person can understand what is happening outside in nature, the deeper he/she will understand himself, society and the people around him.
︎︎︎ @emadlfil