Der Brief ist falsch!
- Walter aus "Der zerbrochene Krug" von Heinrich von Kleist
Janine Muckermann (*1993 in NRW) ist bildende Künstlerin, Kulturtheoretikerin und Autorin. Sie studierte Medienkulturwissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte in Köln und Paris sowie den Master in Critical Studies an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien. Seit 2019 studiert sie Freie Kunst/Malerei an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin und erhielt 2020 das Mart-Stam-Stipendium. In ihrer künstlerischen Praxis beschäftigt sie sich insbesondere mit den Wechselwirkungen zwischen Körper/Raum/Bewegung und Sprache/Macht/Gedächtnis.
Janine Muckermann (b. 1993 in NRW, Germany) is a visual artist, cultural theorist and writer. She studied Media Culture and Art History in Cologne and Paris and the Master in Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She has been studying Fine Arts/Painting since 2019 at the weißensee school of art in Berlin and received the Mart Stam scholarship in 2020. In her practice, she mostly focuses on the interactions of body/space/movement and language/power/memor
︎︎︎ janinemuckermann.com
︎︎︎ @janinemuckermann
![Die Zunge wird sehr trocken mir – Margrete!, Acryl und Öl auf Textil, 120 x 95 cm, 2023]()
Janine Muckermann (b. 1993 in NRW, Germany) is a visual artist, cultural theorist and writer. She studied Media Culture and Art History in Cologne and Paris and the Master in Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She has been studying Fine Arts/Painting since 2019 at the weißensee school of art in Berlin and received the Mart Stam scholarship in 2020. In her practice, she mostly focuses on the interactions of body/space/movement and language/power/memor
︎︎︎ janinemuckermann.com
︎︎︎ @janinemuckermann