Johannes Seluga (*1998 in Worms) begann 2020 sein Studium der Freien Kunst an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. Seine Arbeiten verbildlichen eine innere Welt durch einen malerischen Prozess, welcher durch Grundsätze und Prinzipien, Zufall und Instinkt durch einen Weg geleitet wird, der letztendlich in einem finalen Bild mündet. Dieses ersichtliche Bild fungiert in seiner Erscheinung als Brücke zu Welten, die zwischen Figuren und Pinselstrichen existieren.
Johannes Seluga (b. 1998 in Worms, Germany) has been studying fine arts at the weißensee school of art in Berlin since 2020. His works visualise an inner world through a painterly process, which is guided by principles, chance and instinct through a path that ultimately results in a final image. This apparent image functions in its appearance as a bridge to worlds that exist between figures and brushstrokes.
︎︎︎ @selugaa
Johannes Seluga (b. 1998 in Worms, Germany) has been studying fine arts at the weißensee school of art in Berlin since 2020. His works visualise an inner world through a painterly process, which is guided by principles, chance and instinct through a path that ultimately results in a final image. This apparent image functions in its appearance as a bridge to worlds that exist between figures and brushstrokes.
︎︎︎ @selugaa