Verflucht das Herz, das sich nicht mässigen kann.
- Heinrich von Kleist, Penthesilea
Kim Käsermann (*1998) studiert im Master Art Education in Bern und ist zurzeit innerhalb eines Austauschjahres Studentin des Fachgebiets Malerei an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. Als Beitrag dieser Ausstellung entstehen intuitive Malereien und Textfragmente. Die Malereien befragen Sinnlichkeit, Intimität, Liebe, ihre Zerbrechlichkeit und den Schutz darin beziehungsweise davor. Feministische Themen und die Figur Penthesilea des Werks von Kleist dienten zur Inspiration.
Kim Käsermann (b. 1998) studies the Master Art Education in Bern and is currently an exchange student of painting at the weißensee school of art in Berlin. As a contribution to this exhibition, intuitive paintings and text fragments are created. The paintings question sensuality, intimacy, love, its fragility and the protection therein or rather from it. Feminist themes and the character Penthesilea of the work of Kleist served as inspiration.
︎︎︎ @gingereleganza
Kim Käsermann (b. 1998) studies the Master Art Education in Bern and is currently an exchange student of painting at the weißensee school of art in Berlin. As a contribution to this exhibition, intuitive paintings and text fragments are created. The paintings question sensuality, intimacy, love, its fragility and the protection therein or rather from it. Feminist themes and the character Penthesilea of the work of Kleist served as inspiration.
︎︎︎ @gingereleganza